guide PTC 1


What is PTC ?

PTC stands for paid to click. For each click on a sponsor's ad you will be paid. so just you need to watch the fifteen seconds`s advertisement and simply you will earn a penny or more usually.It`s the easy way to make money online and to get paid without skill and for sure it`s not a waste of time. All is clearifyed down page.
Note: With the number of paid to click (PTC) sites out there on the Internet, it's difficult to find a reliable and trustworthy site that will pay its members to view advertisements as well as stick around long enough for members to reap the benefits. NeoBux does just that and allows anyone with patience and persistence to earn money online simply for viewing advertisements.
Make your daily clicks (Takes 5 minutes, there are more than 4 fixed ads daily , and a few micro ads )
What are Neobux referrals? 
A referral is someone who works for you. 
A referral receives what everyone receives when they views adverts: Money ! 
But if a user views an advertisement and is your referral, you also earn money . Ultimately, a refferal is another member like us, every time they view an ads and earn money, we also earn from it .
There are currently two types of referrals and two methods of acquiring them: 

Direct Referrals: 
Users who register under you by putting your username as their referrer,you earn from them but they lose nothing . 
Rented referrals: 
You rent them for one calendar month to work for you (this is not slavery ... they earn money too ! )
Neobux Methods of payment : 

-All neobux payments are made  instantly ,you must have a AlertPay or PayPal email address and / or a correct NETELLER ID to get paid from Neobux ! (you will need an account ,almost with all other PTC sites ) 

-You can request your payment from niobux when you reach $2.00 .

More information About Neobux : 
-Neobux is a signed company with a name of NeoDev that offer a free worldwide service available in both English and Portuguese language. 
-Neobux is the most popular Paid To Click site (the best PTC site) where you get paid clicking ads , it only takes about 5 minutes per day, so even people who dont have too much time can use it (no skill and no effort is needed !) 
-Neobux Has been alive since 2008 and some members are already making more than 3000$ per month! People Have earned more than 50000$ in 3 years,Nice amount of money,huh? For doing nothing, just sitting at home and clicking ads ! (proof from neobux forum)
What makes Neobux strong ? 

Everyone clicks, referrals as sponsors to get money (No click no gain ,every one must click every day to get paid ( you don't click ? simply you get nothing that day !) and that's why referrals are available by thousands and each one click to earn money ... we're all a refferal of someone :) 

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